Monday, March 11, 2019

The Beaver and Wisdom

Centre time....
Shamrock Chase math game...

These boys starting writing numbers on a big piece of paper!  They have lots of numbers that they want to write!
Richelle Scott stopped in to talk to us about the beaver and wisdom, as part of The Seven Teachings.

As part of the discussion, Richelle asked the kids to think about a talent they each have, or something they are good at. Some of the answers included..... "I'm good at..... dancing/singing/helping mom make lunch/helping Papa and Nana get out of the chair/ gymnastics, etc. And one answer was "I'm good at explaining things, and I'm good at peace and quiet, too!"


  1. Great job on those numbers boys!

    I enjoy learning about The Seven Teachings along with your class. Thank you for sharing the wisdom.
    ~ Xander’s Mom

    1. Hi. Thank you for the nice compliment! These boys really like numbers! We hope that you come to our Open House tonight.
      From Room 7
