Thursday, March 14, 2019

Open House night

"Snap IT!" .... The kids enjoy playing this game.... where we snap a tower of blocks into 2 parts..... and others have to guess how many blocks in the second part, after seeing how many in the first set of blocks (This is known as "part-part-whole). We are able to make math stories and sentences from these blocks. For example.... If we start with 5 blocks, and you show me 2, then I know you have 3 hiding in your other hand. And.....2 + 3 = 5, and if we switch the hands holding them, then 3 + 2 = 5
Checking out the colour mixing paddles and bottles....
Sharing Time... hard "G" sound--- G is for....

It was great to see almost all of the Room 7 families at the Open House tonight!!  (I even had a couple of students that were in our class in September, -but got moved to the new K class in November- stop by for a hug and to say hello!  Made my heart smile, for sure!)
The kids of Room 7 were very excited earlier in the day.... anticipating their families coming to school... and I could see and hear how proud they were to show you all about their learning in Kindergarten!  It is so wonderful when children are able to see the interest their parents have in their school life, and that their parents are so proud of their efforts and accomplishments!  Next week, we will be looking at the Favourite Colour Graph that your families helped contribute to. Lots of math opportunities there! Thank you very much for adding your name to our graph!
Have a great weekend!!
One more week until Spring Break!!

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