Friday, December 11, 2020


Counting to 10 and moving beads with one-to-one correspondence!
The boys and girls are becoming familiar with a lot of sight words. They love to practice reading AND writing them!
..decorating stockings.... (using the little muscles in our fingers to move the beads and jewels onto the stocking, and being creative with our designs!)..
MUSIC TIME...Ms. Rempel said everyone had fun opening up a music present today.... it was a drum!! Everyone got to try it and the students danced to each other's drumming song!  
We have also been using some instruments in our classroom... stay tuned for our performance next week!

Check out our playground!!  No snow... some icy spots, but pretty bare!   Wonder if we will have a white Christmas!
Sharing Time
Today we said Good-bye to Mrs. Peterson. She has been the Educational Assistant in our room for the past couple months or so. On Monday, we will welcome back Mrs. Pankhurst, who will return as the Educational Assistant in our class.

Next week is SPIRIT WEEK. Please refer to the chart below to see how to dress next week, if you would like to participate!


  1. NO SNOW??? That's AWESOME!!!! 👍😊 Is that a record? I can't believe my eyes that there is no snow in Winnipeg on December 11th. Are you wishing for a white Christmas?
    Nice work on decorating the stockings. I'm looking forward in Texas to see what ideas you come up with for Spirit week.

  2. HI. Guess what? We got some snow!! Now we will have a white Christmas! Thank you for the compliment about the stockings. GUess what? Today is Rayce's birthday! He is 5 years old! He is excited to be 5.
    From Room 9
