Thursday, April 25, 2019

Manitoba Museum

What an exciting day the Kindergarten classes had at the Manitoba Museum today!!  We learned a lot at the Planetarium, played in the Science Gallery, and dug for dinosaur bones when we checked out the Dinosaur and Fossil exhibit!  A busy and fun day for all! Here's a peek into our day!

And we even fit in Sharing Time today!!

Tomorrow is an Inservice Day. NO School.

 Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, it looks like you kiddos had an amazing field trip to the museum. : )
    Thank you for sharing lots of photos of your adventure!
    ~ Xander’s Mom

    1. Hi! We had lots of fun at the museum! Thank you for letting us know you looked at our pictures. (Xander gets to pick a prize from the treasure chest since you left us a message!)
      Good bye!
      From Room 7

  2. What an exciting day! I got to hear all about the 2 Remys.

    -Remy's mom

    1. Hi! Yes, it WAS an exciting day at the museum! Remy liked standing by the mirror to make 2 of him!
      Thank you for leaving us a comment. (Remy got to pick a prize from the treasure chest since you left us a comment about our field trip!)
      From Room 7
