Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Happy tooth/Sad tooth

 We sorted some toy food today, talked about how healthy (or not) it was, and then flipped our tooth around to show a happy tooth or a sad tooth! One student did notice that there were sure a lot more healthy food than "once in a while" or "treat" foods. But no matter what we eat, we must remember to brush our teeth at least twice a day to help keep them healthy! We did discuss that after breakfast and before bedtime are two great times to brush our teeth!

Centre time

I took this photo yesterday- just had to share!
Mr. Wesselius brought in some books for us to choose a new library book. Please return the book by the next Day 6.

                                                   Sharing time....

Ms. Rempel has planned a special dress up spirit week opportunity for next week....


  1. Looks like a fun week ahead with dress up days. Can't wait to see what you all will be wearing.
    That girl is amazing standing on her head. 👏😊 Enjoying your work in Texas

    1. Hi. That girl is like a little monkey!!She likes standing on her head! Today we got new tooth brushes and toothpaste! Have a good day!
      From Room 9
