Thursday, November 30, 2017


Please return all library books by the next Day 2. (We have a few overdue books. If you have lost your library book, Mrs. Wood can let you know the replacement cost and you can send in the money. Thanks.)

Matching space men with numbered suits to groups of stars.

Sharing Time -- things that start with a /N/ sound

School Pictures being sent home today!!
  •  November Home Reading Charts due tomorrow (if they have not already been returned)
  • If your child is bringing something to eat that requires a spoon or fork, YOU will need to send that in your child's lunch kit. 


  1. I loves seeing library day! It looks like you have lots of cozy spots to read. Mrs. Grant, my son wanted me to think of six-syllable words last night, and we were wondering which body part to tap for the sixth syllable, since five takes you down to your feet. I tried throwing my hands up in the air for the sixth syllable, but he didn't seem to approve.

    1. Hi. I love this comment!!! So glad to see that you were practicing breaking words down into syllables at home. I don't think we have done a six syllable word at school -- yet!! But I do love your idea of throwing your hands up into the air for the sixth syllable! I think we will adopt this idea! :)
      Mrs. Grant.
