Monday, October 30, 2017

Pumpkin Fun!

Our Star of the Week did a terrific job telling us all about herself!

Today we carved a jack-o-lantern!  Everyone tried sticking a hand inside to see what they could pull out!!
Other Halloween activities included.... comparing 4 pumpkins to see what was the same and what was different about them..
...using push pins and elastics on the pumpkins...

..counting and measuring and making comparisons (using worms, bones, witch fingers)
...making patterns...


  1. All the witches, gobblins, & ghosts in Texas are wishing you all a Happy Halloween.
    Is Halloween one of your favorite times? It is mine. Can't wait to see all your costumes.

    1. Hi! We like Halloween! We wore our costumes to school! We had fun!

      From Room 7

  2. Thanks for all the updates, Mrs. Grant! I love seeing what's going on at school.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your comment. The boys and girls are getting really good at saying "cheese" when I take their pictures for the blog.
      From Room 7
