Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Library- Day 1

We had Library Class today. Everyone got to look at books, after Miss Janzen  (Librarian) read us a story. All the students who had returned their library book from the last Day 1, got to choose a new library book to take home. Please return it by the next Day 1. Thanks!
Just a reminder......your child's yellow T.W.A.S. duotang will be going home at the end of each week. Please take a look, talk to your child about the picture and story that he/she drew/wrote.........then return your child's yellow T.W.A.S. duotang at the beginning of the next week. Thanks!


  1. The teepee looks like a cozy place to read. Those two girls did an awesome job with their construction job. That food looks yummy on the tray that the girl is holding. NICE WORK everyone. Your Texas blog reader.

    1. Hi!
      Thank you for the comment. It was fun reading our library books in the teepee. We like building with blocks!
      From Room 7.
