Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lest we forget...

This morning all the students in our school gathered for a Remembrance Day assembly. The Grade One and Kindergarten Classes sang a song titled "Thank A Soldier". You may have heard your child singing it at home. They did a beautiful job, as did the other choirs.
This is one of our students with his Dad. Thank you very much to the Sargeant, who joined our Remembrance Day Assembly and spoke to everyone.  We appreciated having you as part of our service.
As part of our Social Studies curriculum, we have been learning about Remembrance Day. One of the books we read, What does PEACE feel like? by Vladimir Radunsky, inspired us to create our own list of what peace…. feels/smells/tastes/sounds/looks……like.

Here is what we came up with….

Yummy like ice cream.....Geoffrey
Playing at centres.....Nathalie
Like smelling flowers.....Ahmad
Smelling and eating cookies.....Nolan
No fighting.....Ethan M.
Smelling pizza.....Jayden
When people aren't mean to me.....Alia
Smelling my mom's brownies.....Lexi
Eating my mom's banana bread with chocolate.....Ethan D.
Playing on the play structure.....Steven
Playing with my new cars.....Dredyn
Eating soup.....Tayanna
Eating apples.....Mia
Playing with Tayanna.....Elizabeth
Playing with my new ponies.....Lily
Playing with Makenna.....Andrea
Eating breakfast.....Angelia
Giving my mom a hug.....Grady
Smelling muffins.....Kyle
Playing with Andrea....Makenna
Playing with my car.....Darius
Sharing something that is BLACK

REMINDER::: TOMORROW is an inservice day. No school. 
Monday is Remembrance Day and is a holiday. No school.


  1. Hello,
    I am so glad I was able to come to your Rememberance Day Ceremony today. You all did an amazing job singing your "Thank a Soldier" song! Have a good weekend everyone! - Tayanna's Mom

  2. Hi!
    Thank you for the comment. We are glad you could join us for the assembly. Tayanna wants to say "I Love You". Have a good day.
    From Room 7
