Thursday, February 21, 2019

Project 11

We started another new project today... and it is called  PROJECT 11.... and it is supported by the TRUE NORTH YOUTH FOUNDATION.  You can click here for more info.  Our lesson for today was introduced with the story Franklin's New Friend..... and the lesson helped students explore friendship promoting behaviours. We were also introduced to the MICK E. MOOSE mascot for all these lessons.  That was exciting!!  Did you know he wears a Winnipeg JETS jersey?!!

We had to read the behaviours on the little fish, then decide if the fish belonged in the HAPPY pond, or the SAD pond.
We are excited to see what the new lesson is about each week!

At recess time, we can send a couple kids downstairs to do yoga. We have 2 yoga passes per classroom, and these 2 wanted to use the YOGA passes this afternoon!

Gym Time....


REMINDER: From 5:30 - 6:30 --- everyone is invited to bring your family to school and read together for the I LOVE TO READ FAMILY READ time! There will be a special storyteller guest, and everyone will get to take home a free book, too!

TOMORROW is.... COZY UP and Read Day. All students are encouraged to wear their (clean/freshly washed) pyjamas to school!


  1. Remy was very excited about project 11, and Mickey Moose.

    Those cup towers are getting bigger every time I look!!! You are turning into cup tower pros!

    -Remy's Mom

    1. Hi. We all liked learning about Project 11. We put the fishies in the happy pond or the sad pond when we talked about being a good friend. Our cup towers are going to get bigger and bigger every day that we work on them!
      From Room 7

  2. It looks like you’ve all had a very busy week! Keep up the great work kids. I love seeing all of your creativity shine through. : )
    ~ Xander’s Mom

  3. Hi. Thank you for the nice compliment! We HAVE had a busy week! We ARE getting smarter!
    By Room 7
