Tuesday, October 30, 2018


Today we used one of our pumpkin as a geoboard! We used thumb tacks and rubber bands to create shapes!  We took measurements with a variety of measuring tools!
We used our other pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern! First we had to clean it out!!  

Once the kids finished cleaning out the pumpkin, and pulling out all the pumpkin seeds, then Miss Janz, our Educational Assistant (EA). carved the face into the jack-o-lantern! Mrs. Grant cooked the pumpkin seeds (adding a little oil and salt), and lots of the kids enjoyed eating the pumpkin seeds!

Sharing Time...


  1. O-O-O-O-oooooo I'm wishing you a SPOOOOOOKY SCARRRRRY Halloween from Texas. Hope you get a lot of goodies.

    1. YES! We did get a lot of goodies on Halloween night when we went trick or treating! Did you get any trick or treaters at your house?
      Have a good night.
      From Room 7

  2. No, we didn't get any trick or treaters. I wish we did. I miss those days.
