Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Valentine math

We had fun making patterns out of Valentine cards!!


 Our Smart Board Activity today had us rolling the 2 dice, and adding together the number of dots on the dice, then printing the answer in the heart!
Thinking..... where does it go?

"Write around the Room" is always fun!!  We are good detectives and find words to copy onto our paper!

One of the activities during indoor recess is "cup stacking" in the library.  Kinders also got to go to the gym during last recess.
Sharing time....


  1. You kids are so smart. YIKES!! -22 C that you had to have recess indoors??? It was +30 C here today. I'll send some warmth up north. Love reading your blog in Texas.

    1. Hi. There was a VERY COLD windchill on this day. IT felt like -39 C with the wind.... too cold to go outside!!

      From Room 7
