Thursday, January 7, 2016

Indoor snowmen?

 Today we built some snowmen,,, INDOORS!!  but we quickly discovered that our snow was melting. We decided that it was too warm for our snow to be in the classroom - as our snow was getting replaced by puddles -- so it was definitely not good snowman building weather indoors. SO we headed outdoors to build some snowmen. It was cold enough for the snowmen outside, we decided. But oh no!!! ... even though there was lots of snow, it wasn't sticky enough to roll into a ball to make a snowman! So then we decided to just help add on to a fort that some other students had started building at recess. (We adapted to our environment!)


Sharing Time 

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    Thank you for the comment. We like doing "write around the room". Addy says she would like to do this at home, too!! Try it!
    From Room 7
